quinta-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2012


Winter fishing continues in Chagan Lake

12-27-2012 21:49 BJT

Chagan Lake in north-east China's Jilin province is the only place that
has preserved the ancient Mongolian fishing method. The annual Winter
Fishing Festival is a big event for locals, as it remembers the old
winter fishing traditions.

Chagan Lake in north-east China's Jilin province is the only place that has preserved the ancient Mongolian fishing method. The annual Winter Fishing Festival is a big event for locals, as it remembers the old winter fishing traditions.
It was minus-30 degrees Celsius. And the journey to Chagan Lake had already kicked off before sunrise.
Guo Fuyi, Fisherman, Jilin Province, said, "It’s too cold , and we have to start fishing soon to feel warm."
It was even difficult for the horses to move smoothly. Everyone was needed to unload the heavy fishing net. But the low temperature blurred their vision.
Chen Ming, Fisherman, Jilin Province, said, "Frost is covering my face. It’s too cold."
Holes are dug every dozen meters, in order to keep the net stretched out. The fishermen moved efficiently across the lake, despite the chisel weighing 15 kilos.
"I can dig a hole of 20 centimeters deep per minute."
They finished digging by the time the sun rose. Then they dragged the net from one opening from another. Horses were good helpers when the net became heavier. But even they got tired from the hard work.
Horsekeeper, Jilin Province, said, "The horses are sweating, so they’re rolling on the ground."
200 people visit Chagan Lake each day to fish the waters under its icy surface. A full net, they say, is the best reward for a hard day’s work.

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